
regional forum on industrial policy معنى

  • المحفل الإقليمي المعني بالسياسات الصناعية
  • regional    adj. إقليمي, جهوي, ...
  • forum    n. منتدى للنقاش, ا ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • industrial    adj. صناعي; n. شرك ...
  • industrial policy    سياسات صناعية
  • policy    n. حكمة, سياسة, ال ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. regional forest industries advisory group معنى
  2. regional forestry commission معنى
  3. regional forests and trees strategy معنى
  4. regional forum for sustainable industrial development and restructuring in asia and the pacific معنى
  5. regional forum on environment and health in southeast and east asian countries معنى
  6. regional forum on meeting the targets for the asian and pacific decade of disabled persons and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities in the escap region معنى
  7. regional framework for human resources development and utilization in africa معنى
  8. regional fund معنى
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